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Osmington Village Hall has a Premises Licence authorising the following regulated and licensable activities.

The times indicated below are authorised by Osmington Village Hall Management Committee and can be altered at any time.  


Please confirm when booking which licensable activities will take place at your event.


Please note the permitted times stated below can only be exceeded in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances where prior approval/permission has been granted in writing from Osmington Village Hall Management Committee.


The performance of Plays within the following hours:

  • Monday to Saturday - 10am to 12 Midnight

  • Sunday - 10am to 10:30pm


The exhibition of Films within the following hours:

  • Monday to Saturday - 10am to 12 Midnight

  • Sunday - 10am to 10:30pm


Indoor Sporting Events

  • Subject to approval from the Management Committee 


The Performance of Live Music

  • Music must stop at 11:30pm

The Playing of Recorded Music

  • Music must stop at 11:30pm

Making Music

  • Music must stop at 11:30pm


Dancing and the performance of Dance


Sale of Alcohol for local groups - Use of a Village Hall TEN (Temporary Events Notice)

  • Subject to approval from The Management Committee

  • Charged at £15 per event

  • Strictly forbidden after 11:30pm


Sale of Alcohol using a TEN from WDDC

  • Make a separate application direct to WDDC*

  • Strictly forbidden after 11.30pm


Use of Fireworks / Chinese Lanterns etc. (This applies to inside and outside the hall, the car park and Parish Field)

  • Strictly Forbidden


Use of Night Lights / Candles

  • The use of candles is forbidden.

  • Nightlights inside safe containers is permitted (jam jars, plant pots etc).

  • Battery operated nightlights are preferred


Use of Parish Field / Playground Area

  • The Parish Field is administered by Osmington Parish Council (OPC).

  • The Hirer must apply to the OPC for approval before use of the field is agreed.


*If you have indicated above that alcohol will be sold at your event you need permission from Osmington Village Hall Management Committee to apply to West Dorset District Council (WDDC) for a Temporary Events Notice (TEN). The Hirer is responsible for obtaining permission from WDDC, failure to obtain permission will result n cancellation of hire period without compensation.  There is limit to the number of TEN which can be obtained annually for use at Osmington Village Hall, the management committee therefore advise you apply to WDDC with a minimum of 3 months’ notice. Application forms for a TEN can be obtained direct from WDDC.




The “Hirer” (or the Authorised Representative) as stated on the booking form agrees to be present during the hiring of Osmington Village Hall and to comply fully with the Hire Agreement.

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